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Whether you’re a subscriber, need some encouragement, or simply surfing the web — I appreciate you being here. Thank you for taking the time to listen, read, understand and appreciate life from the perspective of others. A place for healthy dialogue is necessary in our world today.

When you care for someone, you look out for them. Do me a favor — if there’s an error on a post or any glitches with the site, shoot me a message. If you have a question about any of the content on the site or is interested in collaborating, feel free to message me as well.

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love shares.

There are so many ways to share love. Interested in contributing to Love Speaks? Send us your pitch along with your name, URL or Instagram handle, and how you believe your content can be useful to our readers. Once approved, you’ll get a notification and your brand will be published on our site. You matter to us. Therefore, your business matters to us, too. Because true love supports one another.